
1. 訪客進入本公司/ 廠區前,必須在管理處/ 保安中心登記。

2. 來訪人士在公司/廠區內任何時間都需把訪客証佩帶在當眼位置。

3. 公司/廠區範圍內嚴禁吸煙。

4. 未經許可,公司/廠區範圍內不准拍照及錄影。

5. 未經許可,嚴禁携帶危險品進廠。

6. 如無本廠接待人員陪同及同意,請勿進入或接近非業務有關的部門,工場和設備。

7. 訪客進入敏感及受限制區域,需要由本廠接待人員陪同及同意。

8. 訪客進入指定區域時,需遵守現場的環境及安全要求和依照本公司人員的指示。

9. 訪客攜帶鎮泰物品離開本公司/廠區時,必須持有效簽批的放行條給當值保安員檢查及做好登記。

10. 如遇火警時, 請保持鎮定,隨同本公司/ 廠同事盡快疏散到安全地點並向附近的管理員/ 保安員報到。

11. 訪客遇有不適、意外或緊急事故,應通知接待人員,或撥打以下電話 (跟訪客卡一致):

HK: 592

NS: 8999

CH: 119

12. 訪客如未能遵守本守則,可能會被要求離開本公司/廠區。

13. 本公司/ 廠區有權在緊急情況下,或基於安全或其他理由,在未能事先作出通知的情況下要求訪客離開。



Code of Conduct    

1. Visitors must register at the management office/ security center before entering the company/ factory. 

2. Visitors are required to wear the visitor badge conspicuously.

3. Smoking is strictly prohibited.

4. No photos or recordings are allowed without permission.

5. Dangerous goods are strictly prohibited without permission.

6. Visitors are not allowed to enter or approach non-business-related departments, workshops and equipment unless accompanied or authorized.

7. Visitors are not allowed to enter the restricted areas unless accompanied or authorized.

8. Visitors are required to follow the environment and safety instructions as well as your host’s instructions when entering destinated areas.

9. Jetta property should not be brought out from the company/ factory without a valid Release Note.

10. In the event of fires or other emergencies, stay claim. Follow your host’s instruction and evacuate. Please contact the nearest guard or fire evacuation leader once you arrive at safe place.

11. In case of discomfort, accidence or emergency, visitors should notify our staff, or contact the numbers below (same as the visitor card):

HK: 592

NS: 8999

CH: 119

12. Visitors who fail to abide by this Code of Conduct may be asked to leave.

13. In case of emergency, safety or other reasons, the company/factory reserves the rights to ask visitors to leave without prior notice.